Selecting the most promising anti-inflammatory treatment options for autism spectrum disorders in children
Lot de Witte
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Geopend: 21 augustus 2024
Sluit: 21 november 2024
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Scientific internship: Selecting the most promising anti-inflammatory treatment options for autism spectrum disorders in children


Janna de Boer (Karakter), Lot de Witte (Radboud UMC), Janneke Zinkstok (Radboud UMC/Karakter)


Symptoms of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in children are often treated with antipsychotic medication. This type of drugs has many severe side effects. Recently, studies in adults, have shown potential directions for treatment of ASD, with drugs with much milder side effect profiles, including  oxytocine and anti-inflammatory drugs. Research shows that mild forms of inflammation and oxidative stress occur in the brains of children with ASD. Anti-inflammatory or anti-oxidants aim to reduce this inflammation, which may lead to a more healthy development of the brain in young children. An important step forward is to perform a clinical trial in children with autism. To select the most promising drug for future clinical trials it is important to carefully review and weigh results from previous studies. In addition, it is essential to take into account knowledge on potential side effects, as well as to take into consideration the view of parents/care givers


Study design

  • Systematic review on non-antipsychotic medication options for ASD in children and adults.
  • Delphi study/questionnaire on the opinions of parents of children with ASD regarding different treatment options


Based on the literature, select the currently most promising drug available for the treatment of ASD in children.


Research questions;

What is the most promising drug in terms of;

  • Effectiveness on core (and other) symptoms of ASD
  • Side effects
  • Mechanism of action
  • Method of administration
  • Opinion of parents of children with ASD (and possibly the children themselves)
  • Most broad/diverse drug in terms of effectiveness in different age groups and diagnoses


Internship description

The student will co-design and perform a systematic review and meta-analysis. Depending on the time and interest, the student can also play a role in the questionnaire in parents.


Timing: to be discussed. Preferably 12 weeks or longer fulltime, longer would be better