Scientific internship: Cost-effectiveness of eHealth mindfulness-based interventions for cancer patients
Sabien Bosman
Vacature informatie
Geopend: 12 september 2024
Sluit: 12 december 2024
Contact informatie


One third of cancer patients and survivors experience psychological distress. Previous studies have shown that online mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (eMBCT) supports cancer patients and survivors in managing distress. Lack of peer support and asynchronicity during online interventions have been reported as barriers for treatment adherence and can result in higher drop-out rates. Considering this, two new formats of eMBCT were created. The primary objective of the Buddy trial is to evaluate the (cost) effectiveness of blended and unguided eMBCT versus care as usual (CAU) on psychological distress among cancer patients and survivors. For the protocol of this trial, see

The objective of this internship is to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of both mindfulness formats versus care as usual.


You will conduct a trial-based cost-effectiveness analysis, which mainly consists of the following tasks:

  • Prepare the dataset for analysis
  • Collect data on healthcare costs
  • Analyse and interpret data (using R)
  • Write an article (or report if required for the study)

There is also an opportunity to participate in a mindfulness course.

Start and duration

Preferably starting in February or March 2025, with a minimum duration of 20 weeks. The duration of the internship can also be adjusted upon consultation.


This collaboration between IQ Health and Radboudumc Centre for Mindfulness offers you the opportunity to be guided by experts in Health Technology Assessment while gaining practical experience working within a multidisciplinary team.

Your daily supervisor will be Sabien Bosman, MSc, PhD candidate Psychiatry/Radboudumc Centre for Mindfulness. The research team consists of Dr. Wietske Kievit, Dr. Linda Kwakkenbos, Nasim Badaghi Moreno, and Prof. Dr. Anne Speckens

Products, Publication & Extras:

You will write a report or article about your research, which may be published. This could result in a co-authorship opportunity.


If you are interested or have any questions, please contact me! (